Birthday Girl! (Erin's Birthday and Ootd)

I have been so busy lately, if you couldn't tell by my lack of posting ;), but I should be back on track as soon as exams are over (Thursday) Last weekend was my best friend Erin's birthday and we took so many amazing pictures! Spending time with friends is so important, especially spending time with your closest friends. We spent the whole day sitting out in the fresh summer air chatting, getting our nails painted, and of course…eating cake! 

It was Erin's 16th birthday and I knew I had to buy her something beautiful and sweet, just like her. As if in answer to my prayers I received an Email from the one and only Kate Spade informing me of a 75% off surprise sale. I found the most beautiful cross body bag and ordered it right away! She was beyond excited! There is nothing I love more than giving someone a gift I know they are going to be insanely excited about :)
Well, I guess I have to go study! We're so close to summer! What are your summer plans??

Top, Zara: similar here
Shorts, Old
Shoes, Tory Burch: here
Headband, Zara: here


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