Doing it Ourselves

Hello hello beautiful people! Today I will be doing a DIY post. I should begin by telling you guys that I may not be the best at "doing it myself", I mean as much I enjoy pretending I'm Martha Stewart, I am actually not amazing at crafts or art in general. For as long as I can remember I have been a very logical mathematical thinker; I think in numbers and logic, not emotion and intuition and artistic ability. That said, sometimes I do get in a crafty mood and after seeing Ingrid Nilsons new video I was struck by the DIY bug. Today I will be showing you guys how I made an inspirational pin-board! So, let me know how I did, and if you end up creating one as well I would love to see a picture (be sure to tag me @17degreesgwyn on instagram!) Let's get started :)

1 // Gather Materials

You want to start by gathering anything you think might look neat or inspire you. Find magazines with resounding sayings or fashion inspiration, I always take style guides and catalogs from shops, they can be awesome for inspiration when you're feeling a little trapped in your wardrobe. I also printed off some quotes from a few of my favourite books as I wanted this board to mainly be about my goal to read 50 books this year (a lot, I know haha that's the challenge!)

2 // Layout

Next you'll want to cut out a few of your favourite inspirational finds, along with some photos or any other goody you'll want to use! I actually ended up using my diadem (Ravenclaw pride!) and I love how it turned out!

3 // Pin it!

Once you are content with everything get some pins and start pinning!

4 // Enjoy (and Clean Up ;)

Now place your board somewhere that you see often!

I hope you liked this quick and easy DIY! Oh, before I go I also wanted to point out that if you are feeling uninspired or get board (see what I did there ;) with this project you can always switch it up, change out the pictures, hang a new necklace, or do whatever you need to make this board feel current.

And as always, thanks for reading!


  1. Is there anything you aren't good at?! ;)

  2. I love your Blog! It's so amazing!!! It would Be awesome if you checked out mine:)

  3. very creative
